
Wiki Fight

Ever wondered which article would win if you put Royal Oak, Missouri against the 2016 BeNe Ladies Tour in a fight that relied on their recent view count, length and more? Place your bets and find your answers by playing Wiki Fight!

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BabylonJS Tutorials

Babylon.js is a 3D engine for JavaScript that allows you to create stuff that runs in your browser, including in VR! Let's learn how to use it for interesting things together.

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Who am I?

I’m Sam, 26 (probably) and from the UK. I’ve got a Computer Science degree which I’m not using in my day job and figure I’ll make use of it in other ways and do some game development and share some knowledge.

What is Capable Games?

Capable Games is this site (and, if things work out, the brand) where I make games and publish them. You can see any games I make in the menu up top and read about what I’ve been up to (including any tutorials) in the blog section.

When do I Post?

Now isn’t that a question! There are no guarantees, however I aim to create 4 posts a week. These will cover various subjects, whether they’re general updates about what’s going on with Capable Games, tutorials on things I think may be interesting or updates on projects I’m currently working on. There’ll probably be some bits and bobs about game jams and the like too.








In any case, I’ll try to keep this section up to date with when I’m planning on posting.